What you get from me
Complimentary typefaces
Colour Palette
Branding guidelines (if you want an example of what this looks like, please let me know and I'll send you one I've made previously)
Complimentary Assets
Letterhead template
Social media cover images (if you need them)
Website Redesign
Website on Wix
Training session on editing the website
The rebrand process (an overview)
A rough timeline of how the process works (just to give you an idea!)
Initial meeting to find out about organisation
Robi responds with proposal and deliverables
Once accepted, Robi to send C.T first visual mock-ups of brand design (and reasoning behind them)
C.T to get back to Robi with feedback (and changes if any)
External feedback with people within demographic (optional)
Final changes made (with inclusion of colour palette and typefaces) - Sent to C.T for feedback.
Once approved, Robi to create complimentary assets (brand guidelines, letterheads, etc)
Work begins on website
C.T to send Robi any copy they want added onto the site, otherwise current website will be copied over and then modified.
C.T to send Robi visuals, photography and video they want added onto the site.
First approval is shown to C.T
Once approved, website is made live (Will take 24 hours for domain servers to refresh)
Chaos Theory have a brand new visual identity and a website :)